Prototype is a platform with emulator of classic arcade games, from SNK classics like The King of Fighters to Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.
There are two versions of the platform, the PROTOTYPE CLASSIC which is to play The King of Fighters and Street Fighter, and on the other is thePROTOTYPE 4.2 which is to play Mortal Kombat and all Sega games.

We have prepared a simple but practical tutorial for you to learn to play and join us in our Live Stream

The tutorial is easy and with few steps to make your life easier

Go to www.pro-totype.com/profile and click on REGISTER and complete the form with all your data (see image below)

If you did everything right the system will direct you to PLAYER PROFILE PAGE , the page is something very similar to the image below, if you were not redirected then you did something wrong and you have to repeat the creation of your account with a different username and email. If you have been directed to this page, then we can proceed to step 2 :)

On this time we prepare the emulator package ready, you just need to download the files. Click the link below to download. Link

After downloading Prototype you have to extract the files on your computer and double click on the file prototype.exe to start the emulator and login.

You should enter your username and password that you have already created in step #1. Remember when Windows asks to allow the incoming and outgoing connection you should put YES.

To enter a game room simply choose one from the list located in the left corner and double-click to choose your favorite game. TO PLAY WITH A PLAYER you must double-click the nickname or icon (emoji). If the opposing player accepts the game, then a new window opens automatically and the game begins.

Finally, if you want to configure your keyboard or joystick, simply press the F5 key on your keyboard (only when the game window is open).